Board of Trustees
November 13, 2023
Dear ASW Faculty and Staff,

As the American School of Warsaw community, we are committed to fostering a community that is affirming, safe, and welcoming to all. At ASW our mission is to be a community that changes the world for the better. Rather than making small incremental improvements, we seek to achieve a transformational change by engaging in a deep, community-based reflection.

Therefore, we invite all members of the community to participate in a collaborative learning process that will increase awareness of our commitments and establish a shared understanding of our vision for learning at ASW.

The Board has reviewed the staff engagement survey and reflected with the administration and leadership on what could be learned from this and other interactions with the school community. What we found was that while there is overall a strong sense of community at ASW, the last few years have presented some challenges to the relationships between the Board, staff, and administration that need to be addressed. We are committed to listening to the school community and to taking the proactive steps necessary to fully understand and resolve these challenges.

To this end, I am pleased to share that the Board of Trustees has selected an Ad-Hoc Committee empowered to commission an independent cultural assessment of our school climate. This assessment will provide an unbiased, confidential, and comprehensive examination of our school's culture, helping us gain a deeper understanding of the challenges we face and the opportunities for restoration and growth. The process will commence on November 27th and will be conducted by an expert in the field. 

Our Board of Trustees Ad-Hoc Committee interviewed candidates on Thursday afternoon and made a decision on Friday afternoon. After thoughtful reflection and discussion, we unanimously selected Jane Foster from Safeguarding Works Ltd. Ms. Foster brings years of experience helping international school communities improve their processes, policies, procedures and relationships by working together to review their school climate and providing feedback and guidance. The Committee was most impressed with Ms. Foster’s experience and her desire to work with ASW in a safe, confidential, and straightforward manner. The Committee believes these factors are essential in establishing the conditions necessary for your participation in this process. 

We value your input and participation throughout this process. Your authentic feedback and insights are essential as we move forward to strengthen the bonds within our ASW family. We are committed to creating an environment where every voice is heard and we continue to uphold our core values that include affirmation, safety, and inclusivity.

The findings and recommendations from this cultural assessment will be shared with our Board Ad-Hoc Committee upon its conclusion, as authorized by the full board. Subsequently, the Committee will openly communicate these recommendations to all staff. We believe that this transparent approach will enable us to work collaboratively and implement meaningful changes to enhance our school community.

Thank you for your dedication to our school and your unwavering commitment to our students. Together, we will navigate these challenges and emerge as an even stronger, more united community.

The Board of Trustees is here to support you and welcomes your participation and dialogue. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this cultural assessment, please reach out to the board by contacting me directly, joining us at a board meeting on November 20 for public comment, or contacting any member of the administration.

Warm regards,

Sarah Kyle
Chair, ASW Board of Trustees